Blizzard is dramatically increasing WoW Classic’s server capacity to combat long queues

If you look to your left, you will see a sad person.

Hey, are you sick of people complaining about WoW Classic queues? Apparently Blizzard is too, and with today’s hotfix, the studio is dramatically increasing capacity for the existing realms, eliminating or at least reducing queues for many servers.

“With hotfixes that we are currently deploying to all WoW Classic realms, we are substantially increasing the number of players that can be simultaneously logged in and playing,” the studio wrote on the forums this afternoon. “We expect this to result in smaller queues for realms that have large queues, and some realms should no longer have queues at all. We will closely monitor performance and stability throughout this process.”

Cue cheers, etc.

Yesterday, Blizzard’s Ion Hazzikostas told players that the studio had been reluctant to add too many servers to help with the launch rush as that could impact the community feel of the game in the future once that rush was over. The capacity upgrade, however, neatly sidesteps that problem.

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