Please, people, if you are on a congested realm in World of Warcraft: Classic, please move off of it. That’s the implicit plea in the announcement today that free character transfers will be arriving soon for the game, allowing you to move your character off of the high-population PvP server (it’s always the PvP servers) and onto a less-populated server, which is notable since this is currently the only way for characters in Classic to be moved to different servers.
Transfers cannot occur if a character has mail, running auctions, or a guild leader position. The option will apparently be available on both the queue screen and the character select screen, so you’ll have ample opportunity to decide that waiting in queue is for the birds and hop over to another server if you so desire. We’ll see how things shake out once the actual list of source and destination realms is available; for now, just know that you’ll have the chance to move if you’re tired of the queues.