Would you believe we’re just a week away from the seminal game of the MMO genre’s 22nd birthday? We are indeed, and Ultima Online is ponying up its 106th major update to celebrate today. It’s called Forsaken Foes, and it’s one more patch in Broadsword’s year-long High Seas theme for 2019, which has until now been composed of March’s Rising Tide update and June’s Forgotten Treasures release.
Forsaken Foes itself, which has made its way to the production shards as of this morning, includes the Treasures of the Sea content, which essentially allows players to capture the souls of high-end mobs and redeem them for sweet loot. There are also new reward recipes, new drops for big bads, the temporary closure of Blackthorn’s Dungeon (for renovations), a large aquarium overhaul, and a vendor update that as we noted earlier could dramatically change the way players do business, as it’ll allow players to pay commissions for sold items instead of fees just for listing. Anniversary rewards are also rolling out for established toons, so make sure you log in for copper-themed goodies, or just wait a few more weeks until Halloween is live on all the shards instead.
Happy birthday, UO! Many of us would not be here without you.