ArcheAge held a livestream this past Friday with a number of details for players looking forward to ArcheAge Unchained, granting eager fans a few important notes about Unchained’s launch.
While a specific time for ArcheAge Unchained’s launch was not given, we do know that it will be some time in the afternoon for both NA and EU players, meaning launch will be at different times for both regions. There are confirmed to be three servers with a fourth possibly opening as well, and there will be a grace period for name reservations if the fourth server is opened. The devs will be closely watching faction balance and character reservations prior to launch and will impose character creation restrictions as necessary. On the subject of character creation, players will have two character slots with up to six available. Players can create their characters starting at midnight on October 1st.
The livestream also covered a few points about the graphical improvements coming to the game as well as a change in system requirements and a look at a new car mount that can be earned with achievements, though this mount will be on Legacy servers and not Unchained servers. You can check out the livestream synopsis or watch the whole shebang below, and be sure to check out our interview with Gamigo’s Merv Lee Kwai for more on Unchained.
source: Reddit