Final Fantasy XIV deploys patch 5.18 with a new Feast season

Wake the metal.

It’s patch day in Final Fantasy XIV, and that means players get to enjoy a brand-new season of the Feast. Yes, players didn’t want to wait until the next major patch for a new season, so there’s another season happening now, albeit with slightly changed rewards for participation. There have also been adjustments to PvP actions for several jobs, most notably Ninja, and several adjusted HP values as well. Add in the fact that everyone is now a freelancer in Frontline maps, and things should feel very different in PvP.

Those of you not into PvP and/or not collecting the latest PvP gear any more (maybe you already bought it, we won’t judge) will also be happy to know that the patch removes the weekly restrictions on Eden weapon tokens and Eden (Savage) gear rewards, so you can just use whatever holiday vacation you have to farm as much as you like. The full set of patch notes are available in their usual space, naturally; enjoy some farming and fighting over the holidays, why don’t you?

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