Saga of Lucimia announces tentative launch date of Q4 2021


Over the course of 2019, Saga of Lucimia went relatively quiet on the publicity front. It closed its pre-order store for stage two of its closed alpha phase, and apart from the occasional chat, Stormhaven Studios mostly kept its head down and worked. Now, we’re closing in on stage three, and the team has popped up to give future players a status update, and it’s a doozy, since it includes a “tentative” launch window for the fourth quarter of next year.

“First and foremost, Stage Three marks the launch of our first official vertical slice, which contains within it our first rudimentary game loop,” Stormhaven says. “It’s still alpha, which means things are still in a state of iterations, we still haven’t added much in the way of polish, there is a lot of optimization left ahead of us, we have done little in the way of balance, and we still have additional features and abilities that we will be adding to the game throughout the rest of alpha. But as far as a playable game loop goes, it’s all there in basic form. Our questing system is in place. Our combat system is in place. Our mastery system is in place. The first iteration of harvesting and crafting are in place.”

And yes, that does mean the pre-order store will come back online on April 1st, with more testers being welcomed into the fold. As for that launch window? It comes with some asterisks.

“And fourthly, Stage Three marks a turning point for our team in that we are finally ready to announce a target launch window for our game: Q4 2021. There are a few caveats to that last point, of course: barring any unexpected complications such as war, famine, sicknesses, so on and so forth. And while we always reserve the right to push back launch by a few months, we’re confident enough in where we are at presently to be able to eyeball a launch window and have something to aim for.”

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