There are a whole lot of levels to earn in Tree of Savior — 420 of them to be exact — which understandably might sound like a daunting feat. The devs at IMCGames are looking to make that easier, however, with the arrival of New Growth Support Servers, which are the new servers that were previously hinted at.
Four new servers — one for each region — will be open starting on Tuesday, February 11th, until Tuesday, May 12th. Players who enter these servers will enjoy 300% XP earnings, a +300 loot drop chance, 20% Ichor Extraction bonus, 50% lower costs for enhancement and transcendence, 10 times the Blessed Shards from the Hunting Ground mission, Unique Raid Cost fixed to one Unique Raid Portal Stone, and a special reward for hitting max level on one character per team.
Those who want to pre-register for these New Growth servers can do so here and even get a variety of goodies for it. Players have between now and Tuesday, February 11th, to pre-register. There’s also an FAQ with some more details.