Black Desert Mobile adds in the North Mediah region

North north north.

If you’re going on a trip, you can bring Black Desert Mobile with you… and perhaps ironically, the game itself is bringing you on a trip to the newly added North Mediah region. Players are recommended to have at least 3400 CP to start exploring the region, though, so you might need to hold off on a full survey until you’ve picked up a bit more power. That’s helped by the fact that the maximum Enhancement level for gear has been increased to level 40.

The game has also added in the Camp Manager system so that you can make sure to have an NPC keep your camp humming along when you’re not there, planting seeds, gathering items, and accessing items even when away from your camp. There’s also a new Hardcore difficulty for Guild Rush and a new cherry blossom theme for various towns; check out the full patch notes for a precise rundown of all the new features ahead of your trip to North Mediah.

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