The house I live in borders a park on the back, which means I can look out my kitchen window and see a zillion screaming children every afternoon when the weather is nice. But the one piece of equipment they seldom use is the spring-based teeter-totters that are supposed to be a cow and a horse. That’s because they’re always, always broken. Something about this toy’s design does not hold up to actual use. And so every other week, I see a township contractor out there fixing them, again. It must cost a small fortune, and still they break again. And they’re not even really fun, since the kids small enough to sit on them are also really bad at rocking without smashing their own faces.
The parallels to MMOs leap out at you, don’t they? We’ve all seen MMO devs keep tinkering on things that either suck or haven’t been properly balanced in 10 years, and you just wonder why they keep trying when they could instead just give up on that and move on to something more fun both to build and to play.
What one thing in an MMO do you wish devs would delete instead of continue to fail to fix?