With so many MMO gamers and bloggers stuck at home this month, any distraction from real-world doldrums is both welcome and needed. To address this quiet war against boredom and depression, Belghast of Aggrochat fame is launching his annual collaborative blogging project several months early this year.
The group blogging initiative, usually called “Blaugust” but retitled in 2020 to “Blapril,” challenges writing-inclined gamers to step up and crank out blog posts once per day for an entire month. “The idea being that we can use a dose of internet togetherness to combat the negative effects of social distancing,” he writes. “The only negative side effect here however is a renewed sense of community and a bunch of interesting blog posts to read during the month of April.”
The Blapril project is open for both new and returning MMO bloggers, giving them a supportive community to plug into and write alongside. Participants and mentors are encouraged to sign up this week, with the official kickoff happening next Sunday, March 29th. There are fun awards for writers who hit certain personal milestones and a Discord channel that the community is using for discussion and sharing.
Massively OP will be supporting this project throughout April by shining a spotlight on many of the posts to come out of involved writers.