Gosh, don’t you hate when you’re going from the Earth Realm to the Spirit Realm and you forget all your souls? Has that never happened to you? Well, technically it isn’t happening in the new dungeon added to Blade & Soul today with the Forgotten Souls patch; what’s happening is that the souls in question are being taken, requiring players to dive into the Stonescale Passage to fight against Amasa and Amayun and hopefully reverse this sequence of events.
That’s not the only thing in the update, of course. Aside from new items and upgrade costs, there’s a new treasure trove available to players along with two new events, with the Ebon Hunting Grounds open until April 22nd and the Call to Arms event arming new and returning players with high-end weaponry. There are also changes to the Daily Challenge and the required quests, so you’ll need to get into the game and start taking care of all those forgotten souls today. Check out the patch notes before you do, though.
Source: Official Site