I’ve joked a few times this week about how badly my kids want to play Super Adventure Box in Guild Wars 2, and I myself had hoped it would drop yesterday but had consigned myself to assuming it would be this coming Tuesday instead. Unfortunately, that’s also not in the cards, and apparently it’s not because of COVID-19 work-from-home policies.
“The Super Adventure Festival will activate in mid-April this year, instead of overlapping with April 1st,” the studio explained this evening. “The Super Adventure Box originally started as an April Fools’ Day joke, but it’s expanded into a real festival over time. Since we usually do a little something for April Fools’ Day anyway, having that minor holiday overlapping Super Adventure Festival caused a yearly headache to ship both events simultaneously or temporarily turned off. This year we’re going to give the Super Adventure Festival some space from the 1st to let it and April Fools’ stand independently.”
But don’t get too excited; ArenaNet also says a new World isn’t coming. Instead, expect “new secrets to find in the Box, a new meta achievement reward and a new set of weapons to collect – a different twist on the original set rather than the usual new color.” Still, the team insists it hasn’t given up on future content for SAB. “Even if it isn’t this year or the next, we’ll be chipping away at it behind the scenes. You may even see some new assets in the Box this year from outside the Worlds you know…”
So darnit, it sounds like my kids will be waiting a few more weeks. The good news is that we’ll still be under quarantine when it does arrive! Wait, that’s not the good news either. What day is it.
In other Guild Wars 2, earlier today we re-confirmed our earlier exclusive reporting that Mike Zadorojny had left ArenaNet. His Linkedin now shows he began working for Amazon Game Studios in November.