There’s plenty to love about our in-game pets, but it’s the rare MMO where they’re much more than something cute to look at. With the latest Wizard101 update, players will be able to experience the world as their pet with the ability to control their pets themselves among other features.
Readers will recall that these updates were discussed during a developer livestream in March, with a new Pet Mastery system that adds mastery badges earned from winning pet games, 40 new talents for pets to learn, and more new pets among other updates. As for controlling your pet, it’s as simple as pressing a button, which opens up some new pet-specific quests. Many of these features involve managing pet happiness, which is primarily done through feeding them. Which is totally relatable; I know I do more stuff when I’m well fed.
The update to Wizard101 isn’t all pet-related, though, as it also has brought a revamp of the game’s item UI, the addition of set bonuses to equipment, the ability to find where a player you inspect got an item they’re wearing, new Beastmoon maps, and a new skeleton key boss among other updates.
As for Pirate101, the biggest piece of recent news is the game now supports MacOS’ Catalina update, meaning Mac players can get back in-game once more. As a thank-you to fans for their patience while the devs worked through the issue, Wizard101 and Pirate101 players who have played within the last 12 months will get 5,000 Crowns.
Readers will recall that Mac’s Catalina update has caused no lack of consternation among other MMORPGs and multiplayer games, causing outright halted support for Mac in games like SMITE and Elite: Dangerous or other titles like EVE Online, Dungeons and Dragons Online, and City of Heroes: Homecoming to scramble to keep themselves current for Mac users.