One of my Death Knights in World of Warcraft has had the same outfit for years. It basically hasn’t budged since Cataclysm, and I don’t really see it changing much in the future, either. It already works. It worked when I came up with it, and it still works now, and at this point it’s something I associate so strongly with the character that it would actually feel weird to not have it be her look any longer. She has kind of wound up calcified in that regard.
In some ways, finding just the right fashion decisions for a character in an MMO is a bit sad; it means that new sets of appearance options don’t actually give you new things to look forward to. At the same time, it’s also a moment when you’ve found exactly the look you want, which is something to celebrate. So rather than dwelling on the potential negatives, let’s focus on the simple history. Which of your MMO characters has kept the same look for the longest time?