Let’s have a look at what’s going on in Norrath, shall we? We’ll start off with EverQuest II, which is lauding its next update arriving on June 23rd. This update signals the start of the seventh Familiar Season as well as some behind-the-scenes improvements to Familiars, adds expert difficulty for all Blood of Luclin heroic dungeons as well as some Blood of Luclin Summer Ethereal adjustments, adds the Rise of Kunark expansion to the Kaladim TLE server, and brings back Pride Bunnies.
Not enough for you? How about the return of the Scorched Sky summer event? There’s plenty of seasonal quests to take on and a wide variety of new items to collect when the celebration kicks off on June 24th.
Over on the original EverQuest, the Aradune server has recently seen enough fixes to warrant opening the population of the server “slightly” to a point the devs are comfortable with. This doesn’t signal the end of queues and also doesn’t resolve all of the issues by the team’s own admittance, but it’s progress. There’s also been a general update, with notes in the link to get you up to speed.