Elite Dangerous will hand out free tritium to Fleet Carriers to combat a fuel shortage


You’d think in a video game where resources can just be populated at the developers’ will that a fuel shortage wouldn’t be possible, but that’s precisely what’s happening in Elite: Dangerous right now as an adjustment made in an earlier patch to fix one problem has instead spawned new problems.

Before this patch, there was a bug in mining RNG that caused low-temperature diamonds to get harvested at extremely high rates, meaning players were earning billions of credits in a matter of hours. This, in turn, caused large numbers of Fleet Carriers to be bought, and when multiple Fleet Carriers are in an area, bad things happen to player systems like lagging and crashing.

After this patch, however, the tritium resource that’s needed to fuel Fleet Carriers became so hard to find that many of these massive ships are now floating dead in the water, which would be fine if people want to play Derelict Spaceship Simulator but not for those who want to play Elite: Dangerous.

While Frontier Developments previously acknowledged the problem, a forum post last week has now confirmed that all Fleet Carriers are seeing their tritium depots filled for free while a patch for actually mining the resource is put together. A release date for this patch will be announced at some point later.

source: official forums (1, 2, 3), thanks to Stuart for the tip!
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