Lord of the Rings Online opens the doors to Rohan housing and Helm’s Deep


It’s always a momentous occasion in Lord of the Rings Online when a brand-new type of housing is added to the servers, and today’s may be even more so. The long-awaited Rohan housing is now open for purchase, offering themed premium houses for players to inhabit.

Update 27.2 adds two Rohan neighborhoods with regular and deluxe housing: the pastoral Kingstead Meadows and the mountainous Eastfold Hills. There are plenty of never-before-seen tricks that come with these houses, such as mount hitching posts, fire pits, and multiple interiors. In addition, all LOTRO houses everywhere are getting the ability to add cosmetic pets, a kinship visit feature, and per-house storage.

It’s also a big day for the two progression servers, Anor and Ithil, as the Helm’s Deep expansion has finally unlocked, taking characters in those worlds on a journey to level 95.

“Note that Helm’s Deep also utilizes the Storied Tales system introduced in Update 27, which is a solo-able, story-focused alternative to an epic battle,” SSG posted. “Each of the five Helm’s Deep epic battles now has a Storied Tale.”

Source: LOTRO
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