Like what you see online? Then click that upvote button! Anyone who’s watched a YouTube video since what feels like forever ago is familiar with the positive reinforcement that clicking a like or an upvote can bring. Dual Universe is going to leverage that learned behavior to determine what features to focus development on through a roadmap and feature upvote board.
The concept is pretty simple: Players see a feature or a development focus that they think the devs should work on next, they click that suggested link, and they press the “Upvote” button. Features have a variety of tags associated with them, including “pinned” features that are in active development, “planned” features that are already in a roadmap and planned to be released into the future, and an “under consideration” pin for features that may or may not be implemented depending on popularity.
The newsletter announcing this new system hastens to point out that this new feature is meant to give insight into the direction of how Dual Universe’s community would like to see the game evolve and is not a guarantee that features will make it in. That said, if you’re a backer of the interstellar building sandbox and want to see something strongly considered for inclusion, this is a fine way to do it.