Star Citizen’s AMA confirms Squadron 42 has ‘a ways to go’ before beta, will be ‘done when it is done’


The question that’s been on the lips of the Star Citizen community for the past several months has been in relation to Squadron 42’s development progress. So naturally, that would be one of the highlights of an AMA with several of CIG’s devs, including Chris Roberts himself, who answered the burning question.

The player question pointed out that SQ42 is six years behind its projected delivery target and asked whether the devs felt they were meeting the promise to players. Roberts responds:

“I don’t think the issue is whether we treat our community with respect, as that is core tenet of the entire company, or lack of communication; it’s different people want communication in different forms; some want in depth long talky videos, some want just the sizzle videos with pretty graphics. Some people want huge technical treatises on server meshing and others just want the ELI5 version and finally a lot of people just want to know when a feature or the game will be done.

“And I think that’s the crux of the issue; it’s impossible to please all the people all the time, and with a project as complicated as Star Citizen or even Squadron 42 it’s impossible to have iron clad dates due to the huge amount of ongoing R&D.

“So yes, I do feel like we have been meeting ‘The Pledge.'”

With that said, Roberts does admit that communication can improve and also announced that a show dedicated to SQ42 known as The Briefing Room will debut soon, with new episodes every quarter until the game launches. He also points to the previously teased roadmap in the works.

The question of just when the game will be actually complete wasn’t directly addressed, at least to one player’s satisfaction, which drew out another reply from Roberts.

“You’re not really asking about what is being worked on Squadron 42, you really just want to know when it will be done. The best answer for your question is Squadron 42 will be done when it is done, and will not be released just to make a date but instead once all the tech and content is finished, polished and it plays great. I am not willing to compromise making a game I believe in with all my heart and soul, and even though everyone (including me) wants Squadron 42 sooner than later, it would be doing a huge disservice to everyone working really hard on the project and all of you that are looking forward to it to deliver something that isn’t great.

“We still have a ways to go before we are in Beta, but everyone on Squadron 42 is working very hard to deliver something great.”

The replies have lit the Reddit tinderbox as members of the community attempt to come to grips with the game’s extensive development time versus wanting the title that’s been dreamed of by both fans and Roberts.

There are, of course, a number of other questions answered in the AMA and so it’s likely worth the time of fans and followers to take a full look. Meanwhile, members of the narrative team have come together in the latest Star Citizen Live broadcast to talk about the upcoming Imperator elections, which you can find below.

sources: official forums, Reddit, YouTube, with thanks to Quavers, Eggbert, and StuartGT
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