With only a couple of weeks left before the Beyond Light expansion arrives to Destiny 2 on November 10th, an intriguing leaked image has stirred up some fan hype. Datamined code from the PlayStation Store reveals some new logo artwork for the game, which seems pretty innocuous until you look closer and see what looks like a fully healed Traveler and a rebuilt Tower, both of which were damaged in the events of the Red War that was part of Destiny 2’s initial story.
The healed Traveler assumption has some legs, considering a post on Bungie’s site from June when the future of Destiny 2 was first announced featured a look at the new Director coming with Beyond Light, including — surprise — a healed Traveler.
As for the repaired Tower, there is a convincing side-by-side image that shows the Tower pre-Red War and from the game’s PS Store imagery, but there’s also word of a deleted tweet from streamer Parisito that had some codenames that players believed were associated with areas in the old Tower. When pressed for more, Parisito would only comment that more would come soon. This could very likely be in reference to some end of season event, which has already been confirmed as on the way thanks to the discovery of a previously hidden Emblem.
All told, the next 14 days are likely going to be interesting ones in Destiny 2.