A letter from Phoenix Labs CEO and co-founder Jesse Houston has got plenty to say regarding the future of Dauntless, including plans for the game’s next major updates and its arrival to the next generation of consoles.
In the letter, Houston confirms that the multiplayer monster slayer will be arriving on day one to PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, and will additionally offer cross-platform play with every other games system it’s on. The letter also points to its December update, which is being dubbed Dauntless Reforged, bringing with it the new Hunting Grounds hunt type with 17 reworked islands and one entirely new island, island events, gliders, the Slayer’s Path progression system, and reworks for Class XP, Prestige, and gear leveling.
“Reforged is about changing the pace of Dauntless,” writes Houston. “Players will no longer focus on queuing up for one hunt at a time. In fact, Pursuits and Patrols will be removed from the game. Instead, we’re reducing downtime by introducing a longer lasting hunt type with deeper progression systems. We’ve been calling it ‘Stay and Slay’ around the office.”
In addition to the Reforged update, Houston promises further improvements will be addressed such as the power creep from Escalation bonuses, increasing the number of viable builds, and giving more attention to Trials. These matters will be part of the devs’ focus once Reforged is out of the door.