The Daily Grind: What’s the worst mount in all of MMO land?


During the MOP Podcast at the top of September, Justin and I answered a fun question from Aldristravan about terrible MMO mounts. It turned out to be a hard one – do you pick based on functionality? Or based on aesthetics? Or what about absurdly priced mounts? Or impossible drop rates or mounts locked behind gambleboxes? We both went for functionality; he lamented the slow pace of World of Warcraft’s old turtle mount, while I groused over Guild Wars 2’s fussy portal-hopping jackal.

However, as soon as the podcast ended, I realized I probably should’ve poked fun at Guild Wars 2’s pegacorn – really just a skin for the griffon. I don’t own this thing, and it’s really not that bad, but back when it came out, it was resoundingly ridiculed for not fitting into the game.

I could also have dinged some of the mounts in Ultima Online. There’s one that’s just a giant roachy beetle, and it’s straight up ick. And yet it’s got storage, and one version even operates as a portable ore smelter, so you kinda have to use one sometimes. I could do without it.

What would you say is the worst mount in all of MMO land?

Every morning, the Massively Overpowered writers team up with mascot Mo to ask MMORPG players pointed questions about the massively multiplayer online roleplaying genre. Grab a mug of your preferred beverage and take a stab at answering the question posed in today’s Daily Grind!
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