Goodbye to all the reasons we can’t have nice things in MMOs, 2020 edition

Flames... on the side of my face...


A few years ago, we started collecting all our cozy, comforting, positive, happy stories under the “warm fuzzies” tag. But we also have another common tag: The “this is why we can’t have nice things” tag is the one we slap on all the posts we write about stories that make us go “what the actual fuck?” and “are you even kidding me right now?” and “can 2020 please just be over?”

Good news: 2020 is almost over. (In fact, if you’re in Australia, it’s already over and it’s tomorrow morning already! Please, my Aussie friendos, tell us better days have arrived.)

Anyhow, for our last non-stream post of this hell year, we’ve once again rounded up all the “why we can’t have nice things” posts from 2020 to offer them as sacrifice to the New Year’s bonfire. (The virtual New Year’s bonfire, of course, since, yeah, social distancing and all.) As we did last year, we’re abandoning all of them, with prejudice, whether they’re stories about pandemic response, endless layoffs, sprawling dramatic lawsuits, Kickstarter games abandoning their backers, or game studios continuing to behave as if they’re frat houses (that last one is eternal). Go ahead and look at the worst things that happened in and around our genre this year – and then leave them in the year behind you where they belong.

And hey, when you’re done with these, we’ve also got another fun tag with some overlap: mature adults acting in mature and professional ways. Better yet, just cuddle up in the warm blanket of Massively Uplifting because there’s only so much dumpster fire one person can take. See ya, 2020.

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