“We didn’t find that our old roadmap was conveying this workflow properly. While pretty, it was hard to zoom out and get a birds-eye view of all our content in development and see where it was in the pipeline. We believe that this simplified roadmap better communicates each chunk of work. It’s also much more flexible, allowing us to update earlier and more often. This will serve to better reflect our production priorities — which can change rapidly.”
So just what information does this new roadmap share? In the production section there’s word of a new Radiant season that reads like a new Escalation but will instead be part of the Hunting Grounds, the addition of private Hunting Grounds, reworks for Trials and wounding, and the return of the Springtide Easter event.
As for the concept section, the devs are pondering the launch of a Heroic difficulty for Escalations, the addition of portals to Hunting Grounds that could lead to a keystone Behemoth arena, loot cave, or “something else entirely,” and an overall Cells rework that adds ways to make Cells more impactful, provides build diversity, and adds a “long-tail progression” chase.
Fans of Dauntless will note that an eighth weapon and reworking of existing weapons aren’t in the roadmap. According to the official Reddit post, that’s in the interest of addressing current issues with the game first. “We believe that our time is better spent on the other items on the roadmap. If we ever decide to add another weapon or rework one, you’ll be the first to know,” assures the post.