Players who obtain their World of Warcraft game time through Blizzard’s shop have fewer options this week, as the studio announced that it has removed the 30- and 180-day pre-paid time purchase options from the store.
“We recently conducted a review on the available services in all currencies. Based on this, we have decided to alter the available game time options in the Blizzard Shop,” said the studio. “As of today, the game time options of 30, 90, and 180 days have been removed and game time is only available as a purchase of 60 days.”
Understandably, players are not too keen at having fewer purchase options and have taken to the forums and Reddit to complain.
“This really doesn’t sit well, just a blatant money gouging tactic,” one player said. “Why should we magically be forced to commit to two months at a time if we chose not to go the route of an active sub? They are just trying to push players towards [subscribing] because they know any reoccurring subscription that automatically charges you.”
Before you hyperventilate too much, understand that this does not affect subscriptions (which still offer variable increments) nor 30-day game time purchases with the WoW Token.