If you were one of the many hoping to jump into the first minutes of the Burning Crusade Classic era of WoW Classic last night, undoubtedly you experienced a whole lot of frustration at a maintenance window that grew longer and longer… and longer. In fact, it wasn’t until the wee hours of this morning that the pre-patch went live.
The reason? Apparently there was a last-minute discovery of an issue caused by player mail. “While performing data integrity checks on the Burning Crusade Classic and Classic Era realms, we discovered an unfortunate issue with all player mail. The nature of the issue necessitated that we restore the portion of the database that contains that information in order to ensure nothing is lost,” the community manager posted last night.
This incredibly lengthy period of downtime frayed many nerves, especially considering that Blizzard is only giving 14 days (now 13) for pre-patch leveling before Outland opens for business. At least we got a lot of funny memes out of it!
Over in World of Warcraft retail, the latest round of Patch 9.1 changes went up on the public test realm with a Mythic+ keystone exchange, more Great Vault options, and class balancing.