If you were wondering when New World’s big November update was finally going to drop, wonder no more: It’s this morning. The servers are expected back up around noon EST, which is good because you might need all those hours to read all these dang patch notes.
Among the highlights? We’ve got the new Void Gauntlet weapon with its Decay and Annihilation trees, the new Varangian enemies in the Southeastern corner of the map, tweaks to starter zones, the rumored run boost when on roads, all three new PvP faction missions previously teased, improved main storyline quests, a reduction in durability lost during PvP, luck and gathering luck bonus to PvP-flagged toons, a decrease in faction change cooldown, the linking of the auction halls, and tons of bug and combat and weapon balancing fixes. Many of these were teased by Amazon, but others were only datamined, so consider all of this your official confirmation, and you haven’t even got long to wait.
Amazon further noted that it’s boosting currency gains from expedition bosses, rather significantly for endgame players. Have fun folks, and try not to get hit by any new duping exploits!
“Into the Void has graduated from the Public Test Realm (PTR) and is releasing into the main New World game. This update includes the new Void Gauntlet weapon, allowing you to manipulate the powers of the Void to support your allies and debilitate your enemies with this magical DPS/support hybrid. You will also be able to face off against new (and fierce) Varangian Knight enemy type as you ascertain their true intentions and why they’ve arrived in Aeternum. Into the Void contains hundreds of other changes and bug-fixes, from faster movement speed on roads, to linking Trading Posts, to new quests.”