World of Warcraft introduces its community council forums

Featuring no anonymity for the people being offered up as community scapegoats!

No time to analyze the situation, too much forging ahead making things worse to do!

So remember when Blizzard announced that it was starting a community council for World of Warcraft that would hand-picked by Blizzard directly to represent community feedback? The short version is that it almost immediately seemed like a bad idea, but that’s hardly a reason to alter or change your plans, apparently. The community council forums have just been launched, and here’s the important part: They are not anonymous and one of the first pinned threads on the forum asks the hand-picked council members to introduce themselves on these public-viewable forums.

Fortunately, no one has ever harassed anyone else over things they do not like about WoW.

At the time of this writing the forums are still fairly empty, with only a handful of topics outside of the pinned threads and one started directly by a community manager. It’s still unknown how much feedback from this forum will be taken into account or even what the selection criteria might be, but as mentioned, the public-facing nature of the forum means that it seems almost inevitable that the decisions and feedback will be scrutinized through a fine lens.

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