Are you ready for yet another alpha test of the grimdark browser-based multiplayer ARPG Mad World? Another test is on the horizon as alpha 5.0 of the game is set to begin on Wednesday, February 23rd, and will run until Thursday, February 27th.
Those who have been registered for any of the several previous alpha tests are able to play in this upcoming test, while players who are interested in joining in simply have to sign up on the website. As we’ve noted in a very brief playthrough during an alpha test this past September, the game runs in any browser and is at the very least a functional game.
How far along this new alpha build is compared to previous ones isn’t outlined yet, as there are currently no patch notes, but developer Jandisoft has stated that new information will be coming every Monday as the test nears.
Alpha testing 5.0 is coming soon.
*Every Monday will be updated New Information of Alpha Test 5.0
22.02.23 02:00 ~ 22.02.27 09:00 (GMT) pic.twitter.com/tuhvvqBNs4— MAD WORLD MMORPG (@jandisoft) January 17, 2022