Profane is seeking testers for its ‘first basic combat test’


Did you know that Profane has a Discord? There’s a Discord for Profane. You should join it. The Discord. The one for Profane. The one that the sandbox MMO has. It has a Discord. Have you joined it yet? You should. Forums? Bah. Targeted feedback via polls? Who needs it. Discord? Big yes.

Why should you join the Discord? Because the upcoming community combat test can only be joined by filling out a form. Developer Insane Studios is also eager to get feedback and ideas from players in specially-created channels, and future testing opportunities like the combat test will only be offered on Discord. You know, the Profane Discord.

Ah we kid. You can actually get to the form right here too. As Insane Studios puts it, this is a very early build of the game, without a lot of content just yet.

“Please bare in mind that this will be a very early version of the game and combat testing. Also, bare in mind that there will be: NO inventory management, NO equipment, NO skills/casting, NO content exploration, NO crafting, NO building, NO mobs & encounters, NO character progression. This is a very raw test over basic combat and movement. If you believe this test is not for you, then we ask that you please refrain from registering so you leave room for people that are more interested in this phase of testing, and wait for future tests. Several character animations in this test are placeholder, including those used for basic-attack with weapons. The different movement-type animations are all placeholder too, as well as the UI. We are mainly testing our netcode with simple features to see how it holds while also bringing our proposal for arcade movement and character control to the community. This way, we get your feedback before adding more complex features to the main project. Selected participants will be required to agree to an NDA.”

source: Twitter
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