Do you prefer to fast travel to locations in order to get to the action you want, or do you like to wander the world in the hopes of stumbling across a surprise point of interest you might not have discovered unless you had to walk? That’s the question that the devs of Embers Adrift are considering, which was brought up in the game’s most recent weekly community show.
According to community manager Elloa, the devs want players to explore the world and discover things in the process of doing so but they also understand that some people – especially those who form groups – want to get to the activities they’re looking to do faster. One consideration that the devs have in mind is the previously mentioned use of a limited ember essence as a means to fast travel to locations, along with the ability to teleport distant group members to another person’s location.
Meanwhile, this week’s beta patch notes introduces abilities for levels 20 through 30, introduces line of sight mechanics, improves NPC behavior when a player character calls for help, introduces the level 26 Redshore Forest area, and applies a variety of general fixes.