New World discusses fresh start character slots and servers, proposes territory management overhaul


Hot on the heels of yesterday’s announcement that New World will launch fresh start servers on November 2nd, Amazon reps have been dropping useful info on the game’s forums. Notably:

  • “All regions will have at least one fresh start server.”
  • “There will be at least one in each region along with a third character slot so everyone can join without having to choose which legacy character to delete.”
  • And to players upset that Brimstone is launching a few weeks before the fresh start, Amazon says, “We’re making this decision to ensure that players who choose to play on a fresh start world have the best experience possible. We can do that by focusing on making sure that Brimstone Sands is extremely solid.”

Amazon is promising a full fresh start server FAQ closer to November 2nd.

Meanwhile, last night the company also released a dev blog on its proposed changes for territory management that will ideally better distribute gold between territories and smaller towns and create incentives for players to boost their town levels.

“In the original design, players were more spread out, selling resources mostly at the trading posts in territories where they were collecting them. With the changes made to more easily transfer items between towns, players are primarily congregating in Everfall and Windsward to sell these resources – resulting in higher income in these centralized territories. Since the inputs to the system changed, it’s time to change the outputs! We’ve spent a lot of time going over the data for the Coin rewards for Territories and wanted to share some of it with you. We took a look at the total Coin rewarded for Territories across the Worlds in New World and we found some distinct, universal patterns. The biggest take away is that that Windsward and Everfall are the most valuable territories to hold in terms of Coin pay out weekly across all Worlds. With that in mind, here are some of our initial thoughts on how territory management could improve.”

If all goes to plan, the net result will be that it’s a bit less lucrative to hoard Windsward and a bit more worth it to hold other areas, though some players are arguing that the new system is open to abuse and still doesn’t make smaller territories valuable enough. We’ll see how that changes through development; Amazon’s goal is to have the system ready before the launch of fresh start worlds, so before November 2nd.

Source: Official site, territory blog – thanks, r00ch!
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