The next great era of MMORPGs is in the making right now and will dawn on us shortly — or so postulates MMO Folklorist, who took a look at upcoming titles and found a great deal of hope to be had.
“Looking ahead as the current decade builds momentum however the landscape seems brighter than it may at first appear. The aforementioned titles from ZeniMax and Riot are leading the pack, but there’s also a whole bunch of studios working on various games which are MMOs on some level even if the marketing team are weary of actually making use of the acronym.”
Read on, brave pioneer, to discover more community essays on World of Warcraft, FFXIV, MapleStory, Sea of Thieves, and more!
Gnomecore has a few words to say after finishing the FFXIV Manderville weapon grind: “They are my highest ilvl items, considering I gear up in normal, non-challenging versions of the raids, so obviously it’s the weapon to carry. But what about glam value?”
Words Under My Name seeks the feels in MMOs: “I want to actually feel like I’m part of a world, not the fulcrum everything revolves around. I want to go out into the world, fight big, bad dudes with other people. I want to feel like while I’m the Baddest Dude in the valley, I can still be taken down if I’m not on my game.”
Frostilyte Writes trotted out MapleStory as an example of horrid F2P monetization: “MapleStory was one of the OGs when it came to implementing lootboxes. There was also a cash shop item with a chance to increase your item’s potential rarity tier, and another that let you lock in specific bonuses while you rerolled others.”
Inventory Full lamented having to move in Chimeraland after servers merged: “I guess whichever server was merged into Moonbeam Bay had a lot more going on around the waterfall. I always thought it was an underappreciated locale. It certainly suited me, anyway. I had no desire to move. I’m sure there are hundreds of scenic spots where I could relocate but damn it, why should I? I found this place and I plan on keeping it.”
Virtual Bastion took a look at Sea of Thieves and the pirate life: “Our crew of two tried to make it through a couple regular sessions with the game, but I’ll admit that I was the first to call it quits. I just don’t possess whatever mindset is necessary to enjoy PVP. It’s the one thing that will keep me away from any game in which it is the focus; and in SoT, it is definitely the focus.”
Parallel Context shared a few funny MMORPG memes: “Oh, I could fill a year’s worth of Meme Monday’s strictly with memes from quests, but here are four that popped out of my pile.”