The FTC grants Microsoft’s request for Sony docs as leaks say the EU will approve ABK merger


Remember back when Sony accused Microsoft of “harassment” for requesting internal documents from Sony that would aid Microsoft in defending its Activision-Blizzard merger before the Federal Trade Commission this summer? It looks like Sony’s the big loser in that standoff.

As chronicled in exquisite detail by GIbiz, the FTC has now denied the majority of Sony’s efforts to block Microsoft’s requests. Sony must now turn over all of its licensing agreements with third-party publishers since 2019, Jim Ryan’s declaration to the FTC, and relevant files from specific executives and counsel Sony wanted excluded. The FTC did, however, block Microsoft’s requests for performance and metrics reviews and limit licensing searches to 2019.

Microsoft maintains that the documents will help it debunk exclusivity concerns from chief rival Sony.

The news comes as Reuters reports inside sources have confirmed that the European Commission is “not expected to demand that Microsoft sell assets to win its approval.” The Commission votes on approving the merger next month.

Source: GIbiz, Reuters
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