The Star Wars Galaxies emulator and rogue server community is surely eyeing the game’s 20th anniversary later this month and is already cueing up patches and activities.
For starters, The SWG Restoration team is celebrating its own second birthday with a dev blog and infographic; the group says it counts 45,000 accounts created in the last two years, with 188 guilds, 65 player cities, and its richest player counting almost a billion credits.
“Releasing content has been a major priority for Restoration in 2023. Developers heard the Community and have spent a significant amount of time focusing on releasing Mustafar instances as well as adding senate-prioritized content add-ons, like the upcoming title vendor and Bestine Humanities Society Menagire, a new private club that will allow the community to bid on original artwork. […] Developers have been working on Phase III of the Force Sensitive path, which entails recreation of the entire Village. We are aiming to update every single Force Sensitive quest into the NGE’s quest system, which in many cases means starting over from scratch. We are also working on our own prelude and prologue quests that better tie it into the custom Jedi storyline developed for SWG Restoration.”
Meanwhile, as it prepares its summer Empire Day festivities, the SWG Legends rogue server is making efforts to curb AFK farming activities, which are causing severe inflation in the game. The latest update reduces locations and situations where junk dealers can be called, reducing the amount of credits dropped by (what sounds like static) mobs, and increasing the amount of credits earnable inside group heroics.
“These decisions were not made lightly, but we strongly believe that these are the crucial first steps we need to take in order to set our economy back on the right track. We will be monitoring these changes and their effect on the economy of the game over the next few months, and making adjustments where they are needed. We also want to make sure new players get a fair start and will address that specifically in a future update,” the team writes.