Black Desert is fond of celebrating its more unusual birthdays – like its 3000th day – so the 10-year anniversary coming up in December of this year might seem a little mundane, especially since that’s really the anniversary of the game overseas, not here. But it’s certainly worth the celebration, and so Pearl Abyss has put together a tribute trailer along with a 10th anniversary history page and anniversary bragsheet.
Get your scrolling fingers ready because the pages walk players through the game’s earliest beginnings to now, complete with player reminiscing, infographic blips (you folks really like your Dark Knights), an accounting of total players (38M across 256 “countries and regions”), cosplay pics and art, vids from player meetups, and of course, a complete timeline of game additions.
“The special page enables Adventurers to nostalgically trip through history as they progressively scroll down and witness Black Desert Online’s history from the very beginning in visualized form. […] A whole page shows off key milestones based on global data accumulated from the launch of Black Desert Online. For instance, the most globally favored class is Dark Knight, followed by Lahn, and Sorceress. The highest character level worldwide is an incredibly accomplished level 69. [Nice.] The page contains photos and videos taken from Black Desert Online’s numerous events over the past, namely last year’s highlight, Black Desert FESTA in Korea, 2022 VoA in Europe, and Adventurers’ Oasis in North America. Last but not least, Pearl Abyss’ Audio team composed a special song titled ‘Dear Adventurer’ in return for endless support from global Adventurers over the 10 years.”
The Dear Adventurer video and song is tucked down below. Happy early birthday, BDO!