File this one under “why we can’t have nice things:” Yahoo reported last night that a feud in ArcheAge went way too far, as a man has been arrested and charged with armed burglary and attempted second-degree murder over an “altercation” stemming from the Korean MMORPG.
According to police, a 20-year-old man from New Jersey flew to his victim’s home in Florida, dressed all in black, waltzed in through an unlocked door, and attacked him with a hammer he’d bought upon arriving in the state. The victim and a family member managed to apprehend the attacker, but police say there was a “significant amount of blood in the entryway of the home and the victim’s bedroom” and that the victim had “severe” head wounds, though he’s out of the hospital now. So this was no joke.
Police believe the inciting incident began in XLGAMES’ ArcheAge, an MMORPG we must all sadly admit we are very familiar with. Supposedly, the pair met in ArcheAge; the attacker told police that his victim was a “bad person online,” which I guess was his way of trying to justify his crimes?
Ironically, ArcheAge is still slated to sunset on Thursday, a bit of granular info I’m surprised Yahoo included, so whatever was going on in-game is moot anyway. For your own sanity, don’t be an idiot and read the comments on Yahoo like I did. Damn.