MultiVersus developer Player First Games has been snapped up by Warner Bros. Games


If there was any doubt that MultiVersus is a hot property after its relaunch this past spring, the fact that its studio just was bought out by Warner Bros. Games for an undisclosed sum should make this point clear.

Indeed, the news came in that Player First Games became the latest property to come under the Warner Bros. umbrella. According to the press release, the studio will continue to operate under its current leadership while now reporting to some new higher-ups at Warner Bros.

This move makes sense as many of MultiVersus’ characters come from the Warner Bros. library and the title now gets a heavy-hitting publisher to push it even further.

“We are working to make the MultiVersus game experience the best it can be and having our development team integrated with the publisher is optimum for the players,” said Player First’s Tony Huynh.

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