Have you wrapped your head fully around the fact that Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is coming to early access by the end of the year? Yeah, us neither. But we’re willing to be convinced, perhaps with informative blog posts detailing what content and systems will be available with such a release build.
Well look at that: An informative blog post appears! This “fact sheet” — or should we say, FAQ sheet — answers some of the questions that the MMO community’s raised since the announcement.
The early access build will include six playable races, 12 classes, and six zones (Thronefast, Avendyr’s Pass, Halnir’s Cave, Silent Plains, Eastern Plains, and Wild’s End). Anyone who’s purchased a digital copy of the game, either through the store or via pledging, will be welcome when it arrives in December.
Visionary Realms informed current testers that there will be a wipe before early access (and “periodic wipes” during), although pledge holders at the VIP and Champion tiers should get a head start of an indeterminable length. The studio promised to post a partial server list before early access.