Pearl Abyss Q2 2024: Equinox bolstered EVE Online revenues as Crimson Desert waits in the wings


The dog days of August bring a whole deck of financial results for companies – including MMO companies like Pearl Abyss. The Korean gaming giant’s Q2 2024 report shows a relatively flat revenue streak for the company, which has bobbed between $57M and $62M (US) in revenue hauls for the last five quarters. This month, the company actually saw a slight trend up to $59M compared to $57M in the same quarter last year, though operating losses are expected to continue as the company continues work in its long-delayed in-development titles.

Pearl Abyss conveniently includes a chart in all of its financial reports that breaks down its revenues by game, and this quarter’s shows that EVE Online has chomped out a bigger slice of the pie than usual, making up over 26% of the revenue compared to Black Desert’s multiple versions, presumably owing to the launch of CCP’s Equinox expansion. Console has also seen a slight resurgence over its Q1 performance, but it’s still down compared to Q2 2023.

Moving forward, PA talked up continuing development on EVE Vanguard, EVE Galaxy Conquest, and Crimson Desert. BDO Console’s Mountain of Eternal Winter, also mentioned, actually just launched today. We’re also expecting Crimson Desert reveals at Gamescom later this month.

Finally, MMO blogger NosyGamer noticed that during the investor call, Pearl Abyss admitted Black Desert has been approved to launch in China but won’t do so in Q3 in spite of its “marketing efforts” at last month’s ChinaJoy convention.

Source: Pearl Abyss, NosyGamer. Future Bree: PA puts the call up first, and the pdf presentation is linked in the call page even when it isn’t up yet in the IR list.
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