Brighter Shores announces early access launch date of November 5


A couple of months ago, the devs behind RuneScape-inspired MMORPG Brighter Shores said that the game was on track for an early access release in the third quarter of this year. It now appears that we all have a firm calendar date of Thursday, November 5th, which is a bit of a delay but still pretty close.

The launch date was shared in the most amusing way possible: with Jagex co-founder and lead dev of the game Andrew Gower’s in-game persona being interrogated by a city guard for a date. The “grilling” still reads a bit non-committal, as digi-Gower injects a “maybe” into his statement and also remarks how he’s bad at time estimates, but this appears to be about as firm of a date as any.

As we reported when the project was first announced in March, Brighter Shores will be free-to-play, with two zones offering “hours and hours” of content, while additional stories and zones will be behind a premium pass purchase. How much content will be in the early access build isn’t confirmed, but we do know that the game won’t be considered feature complete until optional PvP is included.

source: Twitter via Reddit
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