World of Warcraft officially joins in on the War Within spoiler party with major story cutscenes


Yesterday we pointed out how headstart for World of Warcraft: The War Within was already seeing players who were actively spoiling the story ahead of the expansion’s formal launch. Well, we can now add another name to that dubious list: Blizzard itself, which has already shared a couple of major in-game cutscenes ahead of time.

The game’s YouTube channel and official Twitter account have both posted a couple of major story event cutscenes on the exact same day that headstart occurred, and while these don’t appear to share any major late-game narrative moments, they’re still pretty impactful ones for those hoping to enter the expansion completely new without having bought the epic edition.

As you can expect, there are some fans who are not exactly pleased. As MOP’s Justin noted, not only is Blizzard actively spoiling the story for its own MMORPG, but in doing so it’s also devaluing those who didn’t fork over $90 for the headstart. For those people, we will warn against clicking on the source links for this story because there are very real spoilers within them.

sources: Twitter, YouTube (1, 2)
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