Seven-year-old multiplayer sandbox Astroneer announces its first DLC, Glitchwalkers


Hey, we did not see this coming, and we’re not even mad: Multiplayer space sandbox Astroneer is getting a full-fledged DLC.

“Over 7 years and 20 updates after its early access release, Astroneer is growing once again,” System Era says in its announcement. “Astroneer’s first ever DLC, Glitchwalkers, will bring new areas to explore and challenges to overcome later this year — accompanied by new, free content and improvements.”

According to the Steam page, the DLC will add a new multi-biome planet called Aeoluz, the game’s “biggest and most complex to date,” plus a new foe (is that a worm tease?), a new tech tree, new modules, and new gameplay that demands players “draw on their training and quickly adapt to their dangerous new surroundings.” Oh yeah, and the Steam page promises unspecified new free content for the base game too.

We don’t have a price yet, nor do we know when it’s coming beyond “2024.” It also sounds as if it’ll hit console at the same time.

Here’s the teaser trailer and new pics!

Source: YouTube, Steam
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