Back in February we first reported on Age of Empires Mobile, a portable version of the venerated RTS series being developed by Xbox Games subsidiary TiMi Studio Group that hopes to capture classic gameplay while adding multiplayer features such as siege warfare. Many of those features are going through their final pre-launch paces as the game is preparing one last global test on Wednesday, September 25th.
The so-called Global Military Exercise will kick the tires of alliance vs. alliance siege warfare, offer six civilizations to play, provide a massive global map that features a new weather system, and feature a special large-scale battle to conquer a major royal city on September 29th. Testing will be for both iOS and Android platforms and is scheduled to run between September 25th and October 2nd, followed by a full global release on Thursday, October 17th.
For those who missed out on their chance to try this mobile version of the game, a pair of gameplay videos await below to show off multiplayer sieges and focus on a single in-game villagers life. Look at the wee little marauders and townies. Awww.