Don’t look now but Blizzard’s long-abandoned MOBA Heroes of the Storm is getting its third patch of 2024. Keep this up and we won’t be able to call it maintenance mode anymore, folks! Now, don’t get too excited; this isn’t a content patch or anything like it. It’s really just a balance and tuning update. Still, it’s something.
The ARAM (all random all mid) mode saw a few tweaks, most notably the removal of a long list of heroes from Same Hero: Alarak, Artanis, Butcher, Cassia, Falstad, Genji, Greymane, Gul’dan, Hogger, Illidan, Imperius, Junkrat, Kael’thas, Kel’Thuzad, Kerrigan, Li-Ming, Lunara, Maiev, Mephisto, Orphea, Raynor, Thrall, Tracer, Tychus, Whitemane, Zarya, Zeratul, Zul’jin. In case you’re wondering – I was! – that means the 10 playable heroes in ARAM Same Hero are Fenix, Jaina, Leoric, Murky, Nazeebo, Ragnaros, Sgt. Hammer, Sonya, Sylvanas, and Zagara. Redditors don’t appear to be super mad about this, just a bit sad.
Several heroes are also seeing buffs, including Blaze, Casia, Chen, Hanzo, and Thrall. Nerfs only for Mephisto, though, and Valla gets some of each. Check out the whole run-down on the official site.
The next #Heroes of the Storm patch is now live! Read on for more information: https://t.co/8I7sGaZ6TG
— Blizzard CS – The Americas (@BlizzardCS) October 14, 2024