If you’ve done the Silithus war effort before in World of Warcraft or even more recent versions of WoW Classic, you might have a feeling that you know exactly how it’s going to work in Season of Discovery. And you’d be wrong because as the latest patch notes explain, this one works a little bit differently.
The effort starts on November 21st and ends on December 4th, and the gathering of resources doesn’t determine when the gates open but does let you gain tokens to advance your reputation with every faction in the game. In other words? Buckle up, Hydraxian Waterlords; there’s a new sheriff in town, and his name is Turning In Runecloth.
Meanwhile, the anniversary realms – aka WoW Classic Classic – are soon to turn on, in three varieties: Normal, PvP, and Hardcore. As announced earlier this week, these realms will include dual spec sometime after they open and will include no buff/debuff limit and instant mail immediately. There’s also an LFG tool for players to more easily find groups, so hopefully you’ll be able to team up to take on challenges more easily as you start over from the top once again. See you tomorrow!
#WoWClassic Hardcore Realms Update: An issue was discovered that could cause Hardcore realms to be unstable on the new patch. We’re keeping the Hardcore realms offline until the issue is resolved to prevent unfair character losses.
More to follow here: https://t.co/8xKoIdsWwN
— Blizzard CS – The Americas (@BlizzardCS) November 20, 2024