They say you never get a second chance to make a first impression, but there was some hope held among Blizzard fans when the studio confirmed the Warcraft III Reforged 2.0 patch during the Warcraft Direct livestream, when Blizzard promised a reset of the messy remaster.
Unfortunately, it looks as if things went pear-shaped for the game all over again, as multiple bugs – including one that halted players from accessing the game altogether – have poured cold water of the RTS title’s second coming. For its part, Blizzard has been dishing out hotfixes at a fairly rapid clip, but for most fans it’s deja vu all over again, with some players complaining about input lag and remasters visuals.
On the subject of visuals, the Warcraft I and Warcraft II remasters that were released on the same day as WC3 2.0 have also drawn some mixed reactions, with players comparing the updated art style in both games as cartoonish and mobile-like. Mercifully a fix is pretty simple for those who feel that way; they just simply have to hit F5 in order to change the visuals back to the classic look. Blizzard has also stated that it is committed to continuing to improve WC3. So perhaps patience for a third impression may be required.