Corepunk has apparently managed to get two important things working better: the game itself and the way it gets players’ money. That’s effectively the synopsis from Artificial Core’s Discord announcement this past weekend, which heralds updates to the newly launched MMORPG.
According to the studio, developers have managed to “resolve several significant technical issues” for the game in its early access, referencing specific details in patch notes tucked away on the official website; some of the fixes involve a quest-breaking bug related to full inventory, a UI element remaining on-screen, and weapon attack speeds not applying correctly.
The announcement also heralds the opening of an in-game cash shop for players to take advantage of if they so wish. Right now, the only thing being offered in this shop is mount skins, but Artificial Core promises that more skins are coming. The studio also confirms that an update next week will grant players additional currency if they level up past the current cap of level 20.