It’s been a long time since Crimson Desert was announced, its entire gameplay style has changed multiple times, and at this point it is up to each individual person whether or not the current game resembles one that you still want to play… but it is getting closer to being an actual playable game, and the newest gameplay trailer from Pearl Abyss shows that as it demonstrates the fight against Hexe Marie. Who is Hexe Marie? Oh, a follower of darkness for some reason. You know the sort. She’s a boss, and she teleports a lot and spouts lines at you that are supposed to sound scary but are mostly kind of silly:
I will twist your neck until that insolent mouth of yours is silent so that not even a whimper of pain escapes your lips. Then I’ll turn you inside out, and grant you the agony of your limbs being torn apart for an eternity. In the end, your shredded soul will be cast into the biting wind!
Maybe it all sounds very ominous in Korean; we can’t be sure. Regardless, there’s a lot of hacking and/or slashing to be done during the boss fight against her, and you can see all of it on display in the video just below. Just cut her a bit of slack for her villainous monologue. It’s hard to write a good one, you know. There’s not a lot of opportunity for peer review.