With the chill of winter and color leeching out of nature during this month, it’s certainly nice to be able to visit warmer seasons in MMOs any time that we choose.
To remind us of this, Ocho’s Elder Scrolls Online warrior boldly plows through an entire field of sunflowers, perhaps looking for that special plant with the ranch flavoring. Or even that tasty Taco Bell taco seasoning? I really could go for some sunflower seeds right now, is what I’m saying.
Utakata is simply having a wonderful Christmastime in Blade and Soul. Apparently, a hanging ledge over an endless pit is the perfect place to do joyful leaps and bounds, trying to catch a snowflake on the tongue and oh no you fell. We can still hear your screams, for the pit is endless.
“This is one of my favorite columns on the site, I love seeing everyone’s creativity,” encouraged RimaHadley. “Sohr Khai is one of my favorite dungeons in FFXIV, beautiful and solemn in equal measure.”
The backflip adds +5 DPS to your next attack.
And speaking of incredibly practical vistas hovering over the bottomless void, Vincent took a picture of this high-rise farm (?) in FFXIV. I can only imagine the death toll in workers as they stepped back to admire their handywork and then regretted all of their life choices to date.
“Here’s a more cheerful screenshot than last time, the sitting-room area of my house in LOTRO, using one of the new more complex furniture items SSG has added,” said Yrys. “All six couches, the table, and the decorations on the table are all the same housing item. Fireplace, elf and giant terrifying fish are all separate.”
Playing a new MMO, your mainstay, or returning to an old favorite? We want to see what you’re up to, because we can’t read your mind and the nannycam we installed isn’t working any longer! So hop down to the comments and post a few screenshots from your recent MMO adventures.